Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009



A65DLH is QRT. We landed this morning in Frankfurt. Thanks to all who called us, pile ups were time to time huge.
Despite of lot of working on the antennas (we erected 2 el 40m, X7 Cushcraft, 12m tower and 4 el. StepIr is ready to be on the tower) we managed to make more than 6000 QSOs.
Thanks to all, especially Abu Mousa A61Q, but also all other A6 HAM who helped us.
We will never forget your hospitality, and you will always stay in our hearts.


A65DLH Crew

Sonntag, 29. November 2009

A65DLH News, November 30th

Hello all.

Online Log is updated till today (November 30th) 04:00 UTC.
Titanex for 160/80m is already down.
Rest couple hours we will be active on DIGI & SSB on higher bands.
This DXPN was not only "QSO" DXPN; we helped here to A62ER Crew to put X7 Cushcraft & 40m 2 el Yagi & VHF GP on 24m tower. Also, a separate tower 12m is erected on the roof. StepIr antenna is almost finished and they will be nearly in the future assembled on second tower. 2 days ago we had a small excursion to city of Dubai, so no time for 48h QRV in CQ WW CW.
We expect to have at the end more than 6000 Qs in the log.
If you have any question about online log, or your callsign is not listed (typo error etc), please contact us.

73s from Sharjah


Donnerstag, 26. November 2009

A65DLH news

Hello all,

some information about our activity.
Last three days we spent a lot of time to erect and fix some antennas at A62ER's location. That's the reason why we were not too much active.
At this time we have:

40m 2 el yagi @25m
X7 Cushcraft @25m
Titanex for 160m.

Tommorow we want to erect 4 el StepIr (20-6m) @15m high.
Rudi, DK7PE will try to be active on 160m.
Online log will be daily updated. Today we worked on PSK and RTTY.

73s, A65DLH team

Sonntag, 22. November 2009

We are ready! :-)

Hello all,

Tomorrow (Monday) we are flying from FRA to DXB with Lufthansa. We'll be in Sharjah late after midnight (local time). Another two OPs join us in Tuesday.
73s, see you on the air!

A65DLH Team

Dienstag, 17. November 2009

USA General class...

(this is an e-mail from Diana, KB6NAN)


Can you please pass this on to a65dlh team

can you please work in the USA general class band on 20m many need you for a NEW ONE
below are the general class freq's and we can only talk on them ssb

15m 21.275 & up to 450

20m 14.225 & up to 350

40m 7.175 & up to 300 we can listen anywhere all bands
Dianna R. Killeen KB6NAN


Hello Diana,

thanks for you info aboud band plan in USA.
We'll try to be between 14240 KHz and 14250 KHz for USA.

for all additional info please check our blog or DX cluster.

73, Zik VE3ZIK, DO7ZZ

Montag, 16. November 2009

A65DLH Update

Hello all,

just a several information to all.
We will be active from EARS HQ in Sharjah (A62ER). QTH Loc is LL75RI.
We'll try to make attention to all HAMs outside of Europe, especially on 160, 80 40 and 30m.
Our online log shall be updated every 24h. Please, do not make dupe QSOs, it is not really necessarily :)
Stay tuned here for a newest information from Sharjah.

I hope, condx should be fair and good, prior and during the CQ WW CW Contest.


Zrinko (Zik) VE3ZIK, DO7ZZ

Samstag, 14. November 2009

A65DLH Dxpedition Nov 23rd - Nov 30th

The LARC (Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club) in cooperation with the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (EARS) will be operating out of Dubai, Nov. 23rd to 30th 2009 with callsign A65DLH. Activity is planned on all bands 160-10m, using CW/SSB/Digi Modes and also in the CQWWDX CW contest.

We will QSL via bureau but if you want to QSL direct, please only use the new IRCs as we will not be ready to print and distribute QSLs by December 2009.
QSL via DO7ZZ.